JMP Statistical Discovery
Windows, Mac
JMP Statistical Discovery
Provided by SAS Institute Inc.
For Students, Faculty, Staff

What if you could explore your data to see the story behind the numbers? You can. Created by SAS for statistical discovery, every product in the JMP software suite is visual and interactive, comprehensive and extendible. No matter what your field, we have a product that will help you connect with your data - whether you are new to statistical analysis or are a seasoned statistician.

For additional information, please refer to: JMP Statistical Discovery: LSU Overview.



The license file is included within the JMP files provided here. Be sure to read through our documentation regarding installation and activation of JMP for further instruction.

If you are having issues installing JMP, please reach out to servicedesk@lsu.edu to request assistance. Note that you will need to right click and “Run as administrator” to successfully install.
If you cannot download the SID file, try right clicking the link and then choose “Save Link As…” to download the file. On Mac, opening it and Command + S saves the file.

Students may purchase a license to install SAS for $25 for all or part of a calendar year. SAS installed in December will continue to work through mid May.

Please note: The $25 fee does not apply to JMP Pro. JMP Pro is available for (free) download from TigerWare for all faculty, staff, and students. 

Published on 8/27/2024